Friday, April 16, 2021

Jonah’s Tenth Month

 nine months 


ten months

(March 1 - April 1)

Jonah is mixing his army crawling with full on crawling now. He is surprisingly fast with his army crawling. He can also climb up both sets of stairs, so we are now using a gate at the bottom of the tall stairs to keep him from going up there. For the small set of stairs, he will crawl over to them from the top and then feel his hand down to the first step. We are teaching him to turn around and take the stairs backwards. He seems to be getting it and it is awesome.

His first tooth broke through; it is his bottom right tooth. Now that it has cut through, we are definitely noticing a happier boy.

Now that he is nine months old, the doctor said that he can be left to sleep through the night until 6:30 or 7:00 am. At this permission, I am no longer going to him at 5:30 am. It took about two nights to let him cry out at 4:30 or 5:30 am for him to get it and no longer wake up at those early times. He now wakes up around 6:30 am. 

Here are his nine month measurements:

Weight - 16 lbs 8 oz

Height - 27.2 inches

Head - 45.5 cm

Jonah has been such a happy and fun boy. He loves to babble and squeal. We love it!

His hair is still crazy straight and fluffy.

Haircut time:

His naps are great. We can usually count on an hour and a half, sometimes even more. He is easy to put down. We just sit in the chair and feed him a bottle until he either finishes it or pushes it away. Then we lay him in the crib and he just babbles or rolls around until he falls asleep. We do not swaddle him at all. He loves to sleep on his stomach, but he also likes to sprawl out on his back. 

Here are more pictures from the month:

With Grandma and Great Grandma Gruber:

Park date with Amy and Tess:

With Grandma and Grandpa A:

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