Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Jonah’s First Month

One Month

I had a special connection with Jonah from the very beginning. I felt such love for him and his sweet little features. It was obvious that his appearance was 100% Arbon. He definitely had a different look from Charlie and Colson and it was so fun to see.

Jonah picked up on nursing quickly and easily. He was doing so well. He had lots of poop and a crazy amount of meconium in his diapers at the hospital. It seemed far greater than his older brothers.

His umbilical stump fell off on June 7th (seven days old).

We noticed that Jonah has a birthmark on his back just above his diaper line. Almost looks like we missed a spot while changing his diaper, if you know what I mean.

Jonah sucks in his bottom lip SO far! When he was born, Jason was jokingly concerned that he was missing his bottom jaw because he would suck it in so far it seemed nonexistent.

Here is a hilarious and completely accurate comparison Jason made to Star Wars:

(Now in 2019, whenever the boys see this character while watching Star Wars they say, "Jonah!")

He slept great for the first week. He would sleep better during the day than at night. He struggled a little bit at the 10:30 pm put down. He would keep whining and chomping on his binky for an hour that would need to be reinserted over and over again.

At one and a half weeks, Jonah’s baby acne appeared. This is basically right on schedule with my babies.

Jonah had a mammoth of a zit! We tried to let it take its course without popping it, but once it reached this level of nasty, we couldn't let it continue anymore!

this is how it looked the next day

Jonah was circumcised at two weeks and was in a lot of pain. Daddy stayed in with him while it happened.

Jonah was doing well with nursing, however, he injured my left nipple. He sucked a chunk right out of it and it hurt so bad! After days of trying to nurse through it, I realized it was not healing and would cause me to get mastitis in that breast. So I decided to pump the left side and nurse on the right until it completely healed. So each feeding he would nurse and took a bottle of breastmilk. I would actually hand pump on the left while he was nursing on the right. After about three weeks of this, it finally healed and I was back to nursing on it again. I was so grateful that Jonah had learned to take a bottle from the very beginning at the hospital!

At Jonah's two week appointment, these were his measurements:
Height - 52 cm (49%)
Weight - 7 lbs 9 oz (20%)
Head Circumference - 36.5 cm (72%)

We have another big headed baby!

As mentioned in the previous post, when Jonah was three weeks old. I forcefully pulled back his foreskin to prevent it from reattaching, but then I ripped open at the incision. It was bleeding and I was horrified that he would need stitches or be scarred for the rest of his life. My mom and I took him to the pediatrician since Jason was gone on a scout camp out and I was staying with my parents. Jonah peed twice while laying on the doctor mat, diaper off. That just added to the drama. The doctor said it would be fine and it would heal on its own without stitches. I just needed to give it another two or three weeks to recover. I was so relieved, but felt so bad because I could tell it hurt.

On June 24th, I started strictly feeding Jonah formula to hopefully get rid of his acne, but for those few days he was more fussy and by Tuesday he was in so much pain from being clogged up and constipated. That night I started nursing him again to help clear him out and I stopped with the formula strategy. I let the acne just run its course and did my best to lay off dairy foods.

Here are more pictures from Jonah's first month of life. For pictures at the hospital, see his birth post. For pictures from his first week (including his at home photo shoot), see his first week post.

Jonah and Tess Thackeray (two months apart)

meeting Uncle Randy

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